So, guys, my laptop's power cord was completely blown out when I was in Tokyo. By the way, I arrived back in Malaysia yesterday, and it is HOT here. I obviously miss Tokyo very much—no, make that so very damn much, but it's always a case of "better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" kind of thing.
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you might remember my laptop refused to start up back in my November Tokyo trip, and since I'm too good of a procrastinator, I had not gotten it checked out, especially because it was OK again the moment I arrived home. Now we all know it was the dying power cord that was the problem so the moment I caught up with my sleep yesterday, I went to get a new power cord at Jaya Digital Mall, so good stuff, good stuff.
I miss reading the blogs I follow on Bloglovin' while my laptop was out of order, but first, there's plenty of Tokyo outfits to catch up on, now!

So, again, if you've been keeping up with my outfit posts from my previous Tokyo trips since November 2014, you might recognise this chunky zebra-print knit cardigan, because I wore it as many times as I was allowed without looking like 'the crazy zebra lady walking around Tokyo'. In fact, if you check out this post, it's like a series of deja vu; I was talking about my laptop plight in there, and I talked about how you "might have seen this many times", and I had photographed my zebra cardigan in the same. Exact. Place. In Shibuya. I'm very original that way, with my deja vu.

So, again, if you've been keeping up with my outfit posts from my previous Tokyo trips since November 2014, you might recognise this chunky zebra-print knit cardigan, because I wore it as many times as I was allowed without looking like 'the crazy zebra lady walking around Tokyo'. In fact, if you check out this post, it's like a series of deja vu; I was talking about my laptop plight in there, and I talked about how you "might have seen this many times", and I had photographed my zebra cardigan in the same. Exact. Place. In Shibuya. I'm very original that way, with my deja vu.
So I guess I don't really need to tell you how much I am in love with this cardigan, and how sad I am that I can't wear it in Malaysia...

That shawl, how crazy cool is it? It's called Metallic Splash and it's super intergalactic chic, guys. I have three of these Metallic Splash babies in my closet, and they're so pretty that I find myself not wearing them as often as I should, but they instead stay nestled like prizes amongst my worn-out scarves. It's from my friend's modest clothing line, Covered By Sipi; you can check out Covered's Instagram right here (and maybe shop a little bit, since they do deliver internationally). I also love their funky Hanaa cardigan, too (it's on sale, I just found out!).
I have to give a special shout-out to my panda-bear gloves from H&M, as they kept me extra warm and cosy while I was out and about in Tokyo (and extra cute too...).

I have to give a special shout-out to my panda-bear gloves from H&M, as they kept me extra warm and cosy while I was out and about in Tokyo (and extra cute too...).

H&M chunky zebra-print knit cardigan
Mango denim shirt
Zara patched jeans
Adidas sneakers
H&M panda gloves
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