Non-fussy for this year's Eid al-Adha, or Hari Raya Haji as we call it here - I didn't even bother to wear contact lens, which is unusual for me. I had on this embroidered and bejewelled abaya dress (that I bought during that luggage-less trip to Shah's hometown, remember that story? *shudders*), an old scarf, and my even-older Pull & Bear two-toned strappy flats.
I had a great Eid, filled with lots of yummy food and visiting relatives. (PS: I hope all my Muslim readers had a great one this year, too!)

We got a long previous weekend due to Eid and today is another public holiday, which means we get yet another long weekend! Combined these two long weekends with our first ever three golds in history from the ongoing Rio Paralympics, I have to say, September is turning out to be one heck of an amazing month for Malaysians, isn't it? Today, the 16th of September, is Malaysia Day; the date when Malaysia, as the world knows it now, was officially birthed, so Happy Birthday Malaysia! <3 <3 <3
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