Penang is a state in Malaysia up north that is made up of the mainland area and a tiny island. Shah and I love to visit the Penang island once in a while, where usually we make our way to the island from the mainland by the bridge. On our most recent trip there for Eid though, we decided to make use of the ferry service, just to enjoy the fresh air and the sceneries (and so that Shah can take a break from driving, too!).

If you're thinking about visiting Malaysia, definitely make your way to the gorgeous Penang's capital city George Town in the island, as it is currently listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site! Even though I've been there many times, I never really got the chance to properly explore Penang island myself, although I did get to check out some street arts and eat at my favourite "mamak" place on this trip - more on that in a future post <3

Want to check out my Penang outfit?
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