I am excited to share that Shah and I got a second opportunity to perform the umrah again in November last year, alhamdulillah! We went on a group tour package with an umrah visa in April 2019 but this time around we went with just the two of us on the tourist visa.
Note: I did a photo diary for Madinah in 2019 if you want to have a look, but never got around to doing the Mekah one, oop.
Mekah is the holy city where Muslims perform the umrah and Madinah is where the Prophet's mosque is so these two cities are for sure at the top of our destination list in Saudi. On top of that, we manage to check out three other cities and even managed to squeeze in a day trip to Bahrain in our two-week trip! We took many, many photos so today I'm concentrating only on (some) of our Mekah snaps.

Note: Non-Muslims are not permitted to enter Mekah and Madinah but are certainly allowed to visit the rest of Saudi.
From Kuala Lumpur, we arrived in Jeddah after a 9-hour flight where we took a train straight to Mekah, checked into our hotel and then headed straight to Masjid al-Haram to perform our umrah. We didn't get any sleep until after sunrise but it was all well worth it. We had the luxury of spending six nights and six days there but I still wished for more time there, although I have a feeling any number of days in Mekah will never be enough!
Shah and I just spent our days going back and forth to Masjid al-Haram from our hotel for the daily five prayers, with the time in between spent either napping/resting, trying out as much local food as possible or dabbling in little shopping excursions.
All the pictures you see here were really from us snap-snap-snapping on our iPhones, always on the go, all a mix of each day of our almost a week there.

My heart is already longing to be back in the Haram. I pray that Shah and I will be back here again in the near future inshaAllah, and may Allah grant the same journey there for you too, my Muslim brothers and sisters.
Hope you enjoy perusing these (many many many!) photos here! Stay safe and be well, wherever you are ❤
PS: Feel free to email me if you have an umrah related question!
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